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« Va chier » : Une campagne cash pour encourager le dépistage du cancer colorectal

La Ligue contre le cancer lance une nouvelle campagne à l’occasion de « Mars bleu », le mois dédié à la lutte contre le cancer colorectal

Okay, so I need to create a concise summary of the given text without any additional commentary. The text is in French, and it's a bunch of news headlines and articles. Let me read through it carefully. First, I see "« Va chier » : Une campagne cash pour encourager le dépistage du cancer colorectal." That translates to something like "Go take a shit: A bold campaign to encourage colorectal cancer screening." So the main point here is that the Ligue contre le cancer is running a campaign called "va chier" to promote getting tested for colorectal cancer. They mention that it's part of March Bleu, which is the month dedicated to fighting colorectal cancer. They emphasize that 17,000 deaths are due to this cancer, which is preventable if detected early. The campaign aims to encourage people to take the test, which involves checking their stool for blood. They also mention collaborating with toilet paper manufacturers for the campaign. Next, there's "Bras de fer Bruno Retailleau assume une « riposte graduée » contre l’Algérie." That translates to Bruno Retailleau, who is the French Minister of the Interior, acknowledging a "graduated response" against Algeria. It seems like France is taking some diplomatic or security measures against Algeria, but without more context, it's a bit unclear. Maybe tensions between the two countries? Then, "transports Un pousseur arrêté pour avoir tenté de jeter une femme sur les rails du RER." So, in the transportation section, a man was arrested for trying to push a woman onto the RER tracks. That's a serious incident, endangering someone's life on public transport. "Maltraitance animale Un chiot de 7 mois retrouvé presque égorgé dans une forêt du Val-d’Oise." This is about animal cruelty; a 7-month-old puppy was found almost strangled in a forest in Val-d'Oise. That's a tragic case of animal abuse. "bouchez-vous les oreilles Les ultras parisiens ont déjà une pensée pour l'OM." Translates to "Plug your ears: Paris ultras already thinking about OM." So, the ultra supporters of Paris are already focused on their rival team OM, maybe in the context of an upcoming match or rivalry. "SAUCISSE PARTY Le record du monde de la plus grande galette-saucisse va-t-il être battu ?" This is about a "sausage party" trying to break the world record for the largest sausage cake. It's a quirky event, probably a local or community attempt at setting a record. "de l’or en barre Chocolat Dubaï, pistache à gogo… Une boulangerie devient une star de TikTok." Translates to "Solid gold: Chocolate, pistachios galore… A bakery becomes a TikTok star." So, a bakery in Dubai is gaining fame on TikTok for their elaborate or unique pastries, perhaps using a lot of chocolate and pistachios. "ESPACE Un engin spatial privé se pose sur la Lune pour des expériences." That's about a private spacecraft landing on the Moon for experiments. It's a significant achievement in space exploration, likely by a private company. "Bilan Infrastructures ravagées, 4 morts et arrivée de renforts… Le point à J + 1." This seems like a report or update (probably after a disaster or event) where infrastructure is destroyed, 4 deaths, and reinforcements are arriving. It's a brief update, maybe after a natural disaster or conflict. "Espèce menacée Un ourson blanc voit le jour au Brésil, une première pour l’Amérique latine." This is about a white bear cub being born in Brazil, which is the first time in Latin America. It's a significant conservation milestone, likely involving polar bears in a zoo or wildlife reserve. "acouphènes Le bruit, un facteur de risque trop souvent négligé au travail." This translates to "Tinnitus: Noise, a risk factor too often neglected at work." So, the article discusses how noise in the workplace is a risk factor for health issues like tinnitus, which is often overlooked. There's also a section with various service links: Minutes, Maison, Sportune, Bébés et Mamans, Journal des Seniors, Cuisine d'Annie, Ticket, Nunc, Mes Notices, Infos trafic. These seem to be different sections or topics covered by the news outlet, like sports, parenting, senior news, cooking, etc. Then, under Sportune, it says "La Ligue contre le cancer vous dit « va chier » Newsletters 20 Min TV Jeux Horoscope." So, it's promoting the campaign again, along with other newsletter options.

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